• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Faculty Development Plan Activities Fall Semester - Academic Year 2020-2021


Implemented Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2020-2021

September 2020


USTF Goal and Objective



17 Oct. 2019

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.

Objective 1.3: Develop new undergraduate and graduate programs that meet local, regional and global market needs.

Use of Microsoft Teams

Prof. Zeinelabidin E. Rizk



The seminar illustrated that the new academic programs stem from University strategic plan and is designed to fulfill is vision, mission and goals. The seminar explained how the new academic programs also satisfy the needs of students, market and community. The seminar also explained the procedures of preparation, submission and accreditation steps of new academic programs.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Implemented Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

October 2019


USTF Goal and Objective



24 Oct.2019

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.


Objective 1.1: Enhance the effectiveness and relevance of existing academic programs to meet national and international standards.

e-advising, e-archiving and e-course files

Dr. Haytham Elmessiry



The objective of the seminar is to introduce the concept of electronic advising as a service from student management system of USTF. The seminar illustrated how the faculty can find his advisees and how to move from one interface to another to gather all required information to facilitate the advising process. In addition, all faculty members were able to practice the usage of e-advising through their accounts.


66 Faculty Teaching Staff


Implemented Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

October 2019


USTF Goal and Objective



31 Oct. 2019

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.


Objective 1.2: Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

Workshop of advanced applications of Moodle LMS in teaching, learning and testing

Ms. Minnatallah Essam



This workshop was about the effective usage of the e-learning program (Moodle). The focus is on how to create a question bank and retrieve questions for different quizzes and exams from it. The workshop also discussed beneficial ways of categorizing a question bank to facilitate the retrieval process. The ways of interaction with students was also mentioned, such as live chats, notifications, feedback, and posting announcements on the announcement link. There was also a brief discussion on the types of questions that could be created using Moodle; such as multiple-choice questions, true and false questions, matching, and short answers. At the end of the workshop, there was a 15-minute for comments, questions, and answers.


58 Faculty Teaching Staff


Implemented Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

November 2019





14 Nov. 2019

Goal 2: Performing high quality, applicable and impactful research and intellectual contribution.


Objective 2.3: Increase the number of publications in peer-reviewed, prominent journals.

1.Scientific writing for publication in high ranking international journals

2.Reasons for rejection of scientific papers submitted for publication in international journals

Dr. Shibu Thomas


Dr. Yaser Al Worafi



1.The essential part of a scientific article is to include the following key elements. Which are ethical issues, style and language, the structure of the paper, components of paper, article submission/journal selection, publisher’s process/peer review. Successful authors put substantial effort into including all these essential elements. Unfortunately, some authors fail to understand how vital these elements are to the success of their scientific article. This is one of the major problems faced when you began writing technical papers. This presentation was a walkthrough of all these critical elements of publishing.

Sharing the experience regarding various aspects related to the reasons for rejection manuscripts of scientific papers submitted for publication in international journals.


51 Faculty Teaching Staff


Implemented Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

November 2019



28 Nov. 2019

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.


Objective 1.1: Enhance the effectiveness and relevance of existing academic programs to meet national and international standards.


1.Systematic review of COLs and PLOs for enhancing the effectiveness of USTF academic programs. The presentation analyzed the CLOs and PLOs of different colleges for the AY 2018-2019 and suggested remedial actions for improvement.

The objective of the seminar is to explain the importance and implementation of closing the loop as a process for continuous assessment of academic programs. During the seminar, the process was discussed on two levels; the course as well as the program levels.


49 Faculty Teaching Staff