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Faculty Development Plan Activities - Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022

Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022

October 2021


USTF Goal and Objective Topic Lecturer

2:00 - 3:00 pm

07 October 2021

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.Objective 1.3: Develop new undergraduate and graduate programs that meet local, regional, and global market needs.·Goal (3): Recruiting qualified diverse students, enriching their experiences, and serving their various needs in a student-centered environment.Objective 3.2: Provide a university experience centered on student development and success. New academic programs and academic advising at USTF Prof. Zeinelabidin E. Rizkzrizk@ustf.ac.ae


The seminar will illustrate that the selection of new academic programs stems from university strategic plan and is designed to fulfill its vision, mission, and goals. The seminar will demonstrate how the new academic programs should satisfy the needs of students, market, and community. The seminar will also explain the procedures of preparation, submission, and accreditation steps of new academic programs.·Provision of a student-centered environment includes enhancement of student advising activities and increase their effectiveness through conduct surveys for obtaining students’ feedback on advising services and activities.


Faculty and Teaching Staff

 Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022

October 2021


USTF Goal and Objective



2:00 - 2:30 pm

14 October 2021

Goal5: Achieving operational excellence in university services. Objective 5.1 Provide infrastructure and technologies that effectively contribute to the mission of USTF. Objective 5.3 Enhance the quality of university services. Digital Transformation (1)·The New Features of eMADAT System at the University Dr. Sameh Khamiss.khamis@ustf.ac.ae


The new update of the eMADA Student Information System (SIS) at USTF maintained the basic features of the system, in addition to new features to better serve academic advisors, faculty and students. Human Logic Company is the provider of the system and Dr. Sameh Khamis, Director of the Office of Admissions and Registration at the University, is the administrator at USTF.·This workshop aims to explain the new features and advantages of the updated eMADA System in comparison with the old version.


Faculty and Teaching Staff

Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022

November 2021


USTF Goal and Objective Topic Lecturer

2:00 - 3:00 pm

11 November 2021


Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.Objective 1.1: Enhance the effectiveness and relevance of existing academic programs to meet national and international standards. Achieving CLOs and PLOs in the Hybrid Mode of Education Prof. Zeinelabidin E. Rizkzrizk@ustf.ac.ae


Achievement of Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are one of the pillars of the teaching and learning processes. Both the faculty and students must be keen on achieving the CLOs of all courses to achieve the PLOs irrespective to the mode of education. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to adopt the Hybrid Mode of Education USTF is implementing at the present. The challenge for dentistry students, for example, is getting enough patients to be able to complete their clinical course requirements under the current health and safety procedures and precautionary measures enforced the University. The students at USTF evaluate the level of achievement of all the courses they study at the end of each semester.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022

November 2021


USTF Goal and Objective



2:00 - 3:00 pm 

18 Nov. 2021

Goal (3): Recruiting qualified diverse students, enriching their experiences, and serving their various needs in a student-centered environment. Objective 3.2: Provide a university experience centered on student development and success. Design, Preparation, Administration, and grading of USTF Admission Exams at the University Dr. Amani Othmana.osman@ustf.ac.ae


The Ministry of Education (MOE) Reform of Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, Business, and Law academic programs represented a real challenge for new students, who are holding secondary certificate from school national and international schools, to join universities offering such program. Some programs require students to pass EmSAT exams in five subjects including: English, Arabic, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, or Biology. Instead, if the students have not obtained the required scores in Math and Science subjects, the MOE allowed the universities to design Admission Exams for them in such subjects to be able to enroll in such programs.·This workshop highlights the design, preparation, administration, and grading of USTF admission exams in Mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022


 November 2021

2:00 - 2:30 pm

25 Nov.2021

Goal2: Performing high quality, applicable and impactful research, and intellectual contribution. ·Objective 2.2 Encourage and support high quality research through internal and external research grants. How a faculty member writes a proposal for obtaining an external research grant? Dr. Srinivasan Ramamurthys.ramamurthy@ustf.ac.ae


Numerous national and international organizations and institution provide research grants to research projects aligned with their goals and help them achieve their missions.·In the meantime, a few research projects in many universities are receiving funds from these national and international research-funding organizations!·Experienced researcher, even in small research institutions, who are aware with the requirements of the research-funding organizations succeed in writing research proposals that meet the interests of these organizations and succeed in obtaining financial and technical support for their research projects.·This seminar explains to USTF faculty and teaching assistants the basic elements required in writing research proposal, which improve their chances in receiving financial and technical support from national and international research-funding organizations.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022

December 2021





2:00 - 3:00 pm

02 November


Goal 4: Building reciprocal relationships and long-lasting ties with external communities.Objective 4.2:  Join forces with the public and private sectors in Fujairah to strengthen the positioning of USTF as a destination for learning. Main highlights and protocols of USTF COVID-19 Safety Manual - Fourth Edition Prof. Sumia Sir Elkhatims.elkhatim@ustf.ac.ae


·Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, USTF has fully abided by the Ministry of Education (MOE) circulars, organizing the educational process and online delivery of courses in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country. In parallelism, USTF has closely coordinated with the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHP) and local health authorities in Fujairah, regarding the sterilization and health precautionary measures required from the University to ensures health and safety of students, faculty, employees, parents, visitors.In these regards, the University translated the directions of the MOE and MOHP into an USTF COVID-19 safety manual. This manual is continuously updated according to the instructions and releases of the MOE and MOHP. The workshop intends to highlight the main features of the Fourth Edition of USTF COVID-19 Safety Manual.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022

December 2021

2:30 - 3:00 pm

09 December 2021

Goal 5: Achieving operational excellence in university services. Objective 5.1 Provide infrastructure and technologies that effectively contribute to the mission of USTF. Objective 5.3 Enhance the quality of university services. Digital Transformation (2)·Design and implementation of uploading e-course files in the MOODLE LMS at USTF Ms. Einas Awade.awad@ustf.ac.ae


USTF has developed the old course files, including all course materials, into fully electronic course files which were uploaded on OneDrive at the end of Each Semester. The e-course file was used for evaluation the performance of faculty members and help new faculty to start from where his former colleague deeded.· The Instructor’s Course Assessment Reports (ICARs) and Course Assessment Reports (CARs), in addition to the Program Effectiveness Reports (PERs), included in course files, and submitted by Program Coordinators are used to close the loop as far as the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness (OIPE) is concerned. · This workshop explains the design, implementation and use of e-course data uploaded on the MOODLE LMS in responding to the Ministry of Education (MOE) and CHEDS requests for data on courses offered by the University.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2021-2022

December 2021


USTF Goal and Objective



2:00 - 3:00 pm

15 December 2021

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.Objective 1.2: Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.Objective 1.5: Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standard benchmarking. The UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education Dr. Erum Khan e.khan@ustf.ac.ae


The UK Professional Standards Framework supports professional development of staff engaged in teaching through fostering dynamic approaches to teaching and learning through creativity, innovation, and continuous development in diverse academic and professional settings.·The Framework demonstrates to students and other stakeholders the professionalism that staff and Higher Education Institutions bring to teaching and support for student learning that acknowledges the variety and quality of teaching, learning and assessment practices. The Framework also aims to facilitates individuals and universities in gaining formal recognition for quality enhanced approaches to teaching and supporting learning, often as part of wider responsibilities that may include research and management activities.In this seminar, Dr. Erum Khan, College of Dentistry will introduce UK Professional Standard Framework (PSF) and fellowship categories with the descriptors to USTF faculty, who are strongly encouraged to work on recognition of their expertise in their specializations, through earing fellowship in one of the different four categories.


Faculty and Teaching Staff