• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Faculty Development Plan Activities - Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

September 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



9:00 - 10:00 am 22 September 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.2 Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

• Goal 5: Achieving operational excellence in university services. Objective 5.2 Promote sustainable solutions and effective management of USTF resources in all areas.

Blended Learning

Prof. Mulhim AlDoori m.aldoori@ustf.ac.ae College of Engineering and Technology


• Presenter: Prof. Mulhim AlDoori, Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology

• Seminar Topic: Blended Learning

• Importance of the topic :

▪ USTF encourages the use of emerging educational technology to support innovative teaching and learning. Based on that and as the CAA has issued a procedural manual for online and blended learning in September 2022, USTF must adopt these methodologies in teaching certain courses, such as General Education ones.

▪ As the chair of the IT Services Development Committee, Prof. Mulhim AlDoori, Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology, shall speak on Blended Learning. Prof. AlDoori defines and summarize the advantages of Blended Learning at USTF in the following statements:

▪ blended learning integrates the finest features of both traditional classroom instruction and online learning to address the demands of modern students. It allows students to study using a combination of online and offline materials, expanding the traditional classroom to wider range of learning mediums.

▪ There are many advantages of blended learning. Blended Learning encourages participation from students who prefer more traditional classroom instruction as well as those who learn best through more independent, digital means. It enables students through a learning management system (LMS), to study at their own speed using a variety of interactive media such as games, videos, tutorials, quizzes, and others.

▪ The most obvious advantage in USTF’s case is making education accessible to professionals who are committed to a full-time job and desire to continue their studies. It also reduces daily travel requirement to minimum for those who live geographically far away or have other challenges in mobility.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

September 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



9:00 - 10:00 am

28 September 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.3 Develop new undergraduate and graduate programs that meet local, regional and global market needs. Objective 1.6 Design and implement career-oriented internship programs to develop students’ professional and practical skills.

• Goal 4: Building reciprocal relationships and long-lasting ties with external communities. Objective 4.2 Join forces with the public and private sectors in Fujairah to strengthen the positioning of USTF as a destination for learning.

TVET Programs and CBMC Courses

Dr. Tarek Shahin t.shahin@ustf.ac.ae

Acting Director of the Training and Continuing Education Center (TCEC).


• Presenter: Dr. Tarek Shahin - Acting Director of the TCEC

• Seminar Topic: TVET Programs and CBMC Courses

• Importance of the topic :

▪ USTF is determined to offer several Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs and study the possibility of offering Credit-Bearing Mico-Credential (CBMC) courses by different colleges through the university Training and Continuing Education Center (TCEC). This Faculty Development Plan (FDP) seminar shall address the roadmap for offering TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Programs and CBMC (Credit Bearing Mico-Credential) Courses at USTF.

▪ TVET Programs: According to UNESCO, over the next decade approximately 475 million jobs need to be created to absorb the 73 million youth currently unemployed worldwide. TVET is a mechanism for providing the skills and knowledge that employers want and need. TVET helps in equipping individuals with relevant skills and knowledge, enabling them to effectively participate in social, economic, and technological innovation processes, which is essential for the development of the UAE society. The National Qualifications Center (NQC) is the federal entity that is responsible for developing and maintaining a framework for national qualifications and regulating the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector in the UAE. CBMC Courses: CBMC enables credentialing similar forms of learning and short period educations which could be subjected to RPL within the CAA limitations (50% for undergrad programs and 25% for grad programs). The CBMC offered selected courses stemming from current accredited programs and the CLOs of these MC selected courses must be the same as in the parent program.

▪ Dr. Tarek Shahin, Director of the Training and Continuing Education Center (TCEC) at USTF will take to us more and expand our knowledge on both important subjects in the UAE context. He will also clearly explain the road map USTF college must follow to get their planned TVET programs and CBMC courses accredited by the NQC in the UAE.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

October 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



• 09:00 - 09:45 am

• 09:45 - 10:30 am

06 October 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.2 Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice. Use of the emerging educational technology to support innovative teaching and learning.

• Problem based learning - A method of teaching and learning in small groups.

• Strategies for increasing students' motivation and class participation.

Dr. Srini Ramamurthy m.aldoori@ustf.ac.ae College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Prof. Sayed Elwakeel s.elwakeel@ustf.ac.ae

College of Humanities and Sciences


• Presenters:

1. Dr. Srini Ramamurthy, Coordinator of the BPharm Program, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

2. Prof. Sayed Elwakeel, College of Humanities and Sciences

• Seminar Topic:

1. Problem based learning - A method of teaching and learning in small groups.

2. Strategies for increasing students' motivation and class participation.

• Importance of the topic :

▪ USTF encourages the use of emerging educational technology to support innovative teaching and learning. USTF is keen on adoption of new methodologies in teaching and learning, ensuring active and fruitful student participation and interaction in class.

▪ USTF promotes up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practices that ensure students’ participation and engagement in the learning process.

▪ Dr. Srinivasan Ramamurthy, Coordinator of the BPharm program, a permanent distinguished always contribution to USTF’s Faculty Plan Seminar series, will address the university faculty and teaching assistants on the "Problem based learning - A method of teaching and learning in small groups", in a college such as the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

▪ The COVID-19 pandemic period has left Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) students reluctant to participate in class activities. To overcome such negative teaching and learning. In this regard, Prof. Sayed Elwakeel, Psychology Department in the College of Humanities, shall present "Strategies for increasing students' motivation and class participation".

▪ The outcomes of both lectures should enlighten USTF’s faculty toward now approaches help them and students to achieve the courses and program learning outcomes


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

October 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



10:00 - 11:00 am

13 October 2023

• Goal 2: Performing high quality, applicable and impactful research, and intellectual contribution. Objective 2.3 Increasing the number of publications in peer-reviewed, prominent journals.

Elsevier research solutions and Scopus

Mr. Wael Mansour w.mansour@elsevier Research Management Senior Consultant, Elsevier, Dubai, UAE


• Presenter: Mr. Wael Mansour, Research Management Senior Consultant, Elsevier, Dubai, UAE

• Seminar Topic: Elsevier research solutions and Scopus

• Importance of the topic :

▪ USTF FDP seminars’ Guest Speaker this week is Mr. Wael Mansour, Research Management Senior Consultant at Elsevier, Dubai, UAE. Mr. Mansour will talk to us on Elsevier’s research solutions and Scopus Publications.

▪ Mr. Mansour will also explain Elsevier effort for enabling the creation of a better future across the globe by providing transformational and innovative solutions for the entire education continuum of Vocational Education, and Higher Education, to governments, schools, and educational institutions.

▪ As we all know, Scopus is a widely used abstract and citation database that provides various metrics to assess the impact and quality of academic journals. Some of the key Scopus journal metrics include CiteScore, SJR (SCImago Journal Rank), SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper), Citation Count, Percentile Metrics, H-Index, Citation Network and Author and Affiliation Metrics.

▪ These metrics can be useful for researchers, institutions, and publishers to assess the quality and impact of academic journals in various fields


Faculty and Teaching Staff



Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

October 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



09:00 - 10:00 am

20 October 2023

• Goal 2: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.5 Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standard benchmarking.

• Goal (4): Building reciprocal relationships and long-lasting ties with external communities. Objective 4.2 Join forces with the public and private sectors in Fujairah to strengthen the positioning of USTF as a destination for learning.

• Academic Integrity of university faculty, staff, and students.

• Lifelong learning at USTF.

Prof. Tamir Abdelbari Hassan t.hassan@ustf.ac.ae

Dean College of Dentistry USTF


• Presenter: Prof. Tamer Abdelbari, Dean of the College of Dentistry

• Seminar Topic: Academic Integrity and Lifelong Learning

• Importance of the topic :

▪ Prof. Tamer Abdelbari, Dean of the College of Dentistry, is one of the main champions and contributors to the Faculty Development Plan (FDP) at the University, by selecting relevant, important, and up to date subjects, which have direct reflection of the University and its affiliates.

▪ Academic Integrity. Academic integrity within USTF community is an essential performance that is expected and required from all its affiliates, which goes beyond the simple compliance with the law. It is a constant practice which requests everyone to consider. A special focus on Turnitin and its usage is required.

▪ Lifelong Learning. Continued education can lead to beneficial career advancements. Taking new classes will help you gain practical skills. Exploring new passions helps connect with like-minded individuals.

▪ The MoE has recently emphasized the importance of implementing the terms and conditions of the HEIs’ Academic Integrity policies as pertaining to faculty staff, and students. The training seminars micro credential courses are also basic elements in the lifelong learning process


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

October 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:00 - 08:45 am

27 October 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.2 Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

• Goal 5: Achieving operational excellence in university services. Objective 5.2 Promote sustainable solutions and effective management of USTF resources in all areas

• Green Education

Dr. Mohammed Salahat m.salahat@ustf.ac.ae College of Engineering and Technology USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Mohammed Salahat, College of Engineering and Technology

• Seminar Topic: Green Education

• Importance of the topic :

▪ Green education is a new model in high-quality education that is based on knowledge, work, and recreation at the same time. The model relies on an attractive natural environment that stimulates teaching and learning in terms of the design of school or University buildings, classrooms, and green spaces, while integrating environmental issues into curricula and using modern technology in teaching and learning, while practicing Learners learn about green, environmentally friendly activities, such as:

▪ Rationalizing energy and water consumption

▪ Making good use of resources

▪ Combating pollution in all its forms.

▪ The Green Education Partnership is structured around four key pillars of transformative education:

▪ Greening schools and Universities

▪ Greening curriculum

▪ Greening training and education systems’ capacities

▪ Greening communities.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

October 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:48 - 09:30 am

27 October 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.2: Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

• Goal (5): Achieving operational excellence in university services. Objective 5.1: Provide infrastructure and technologies that effectively contribute to the mission of USTF.

• Towards Smart Classes and Smart Campus.

Dr. Amir Abdul Majid a.abdulmajid@ustf.ac.ae College of Engineering and Technology USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Amir Abdul Majid, College of Engineering and Technology

• Seminar Topic: Towards Smart Classes and Smart Campus

• Importance of the topic :

▪ Dr. Amir Abdul Majid, College of Engineering and Technology, has presented a seminar on "Artificial Intelligence implementation in teaching and learning" during the Fall Semester 2022-2023. In this seminar He is going to continue his innovative approach through presenting a seminar on "Smart Classes and Smart Campus", emphasizing the use of modern educational technologies in smart classes to achieve the CLOs and PLOs in better and more efficient manner.

▪ In its continuous endeavor to promote digital transformation, USTF is expanding in acquiring modern and recent IT hardware and software backages. This approach provides the excellent tools required for smart classes Dr. Amir is calling for and improves students’ engagement in class and increases the class outputs.

▪ On the campus level, USTF is implementing the sustainability concept in utilization of energy and water resources, in addition to collection and disposal of waste and medical waste. USTF’ssmart campus allows around the clock utilization surveillance cameras in each corner of the university campus. Safety procedures and posted everywhere and collection points are clearly indicated on the campus drawings in all university corridors


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

November 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:00 - 08:45 am

03 November 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.1 Enhance the effectiveness and relevance of existing academic programs to meet national and international standards.

• International Ranking and International Accreditation

Dr. Lisa Gernal l.gernal@ustf.ac.ae

College of Business Administration USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Lisa Gernal, College of Business Administration

• Seminar Topic: International Ranking and International Accreditation

• Importance of the topic :

▪ According to Dr. Liza Gernal, College of Business Administration, the purpose this seminar is to present to the university stakeholders their involvement in the QS Ranking for Arab Region.

▪ This year's rankings were constructed using 10 different indicators, including academic and employer reputation. The 10 indicators will be explained after the seminar.

▪ Topics included in this discussion are:

o QS Criteria

o QS Arab Region


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

November 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:45 - 09:30 am

03 November 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.2 Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

• Modern Teaching Methods

Dr. Youmna Shaker y.shaker@ustf.ac.ae

College of Engineering and Technology USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Youmna Shaker, College of Engineering and Technology

• Seminar Topic: Modern Teaching Methods

• Importance of the topic :

▪ As per USTF policy, faculty performance assessment is based on Teaching, Research and Service. One of the most important factors in the teaching evaluation of faculty members is the technique that the faculty must apply in teaching different courses with different perspectives.

▪ The requirement of CAA to improve the quality of teaching in higher education through student engagement, accessibility, interactively and skill development will be achieved through several techniques. Universal Design for Learning (UDL, Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning, Team-Based Learning (TBL) and Self-Directed Learning are considered as modern teaching techniques that help to improve all students' capabilities


Faculty and Teaching Staff



Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

November 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:00 - 08:45 am

10 November 2023

• Goal (2): Performing high quality, applicable and impactful research, and intellectual contribution. Objective 2.1 Align research activities with the UAE strategic objectives and address global problems and regional needs. Objective 2.2 Encourage and support high quality research through internal and external research grants. Objective 2.3 Increase the number of publications in peer-reviewed, prominent journals.

• Role of Faculty Members in Increasing Research Productivity at USTF

Prof. Aziza Eldarrat a.eldarat@ustf.ac.ae

College of Dentistry USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Youmna Shaker, College of Dentistry

• Seminar Topic: Role of Faculty Members in Increasing Research Productivity at USTF

• Importance of the topic :

▪ According to USTF’s Research Strategy, the University provides support for promoting research and increasing the USTF’s research productivity, among these are:

▪ Provision of internal research grants.

▪ Encouraging faculty publications.

▪ Encourage collaborative research.

▪ Participation in SCOPUS-indexed Conference ▪ Provision of publication fields ▪ Prof. Aziza Eldarrat, Acting Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, from here side shall illustrate how USTF’s faculty can contribute to increasing the university research productivity, based on her colleges’ tour, and listening to faculty members in each college.


Faculty and Teaching Staff



Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

November 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:45 - 09:30 am

10 November 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.2 Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

• Goal 2. Recruit, Performing high quality, applicable and impactful research, and intellectual contribution. Objective 2.5 Promote creativity in research, projects, and participation in institutional, local, regional, and global competitions.

• Positives and Negative of ChatGPT in Teaching, Learning, and Research.

Dr. Bilal Ahmed a.eldarat@ustf.ac.ae

College of Humanities and Sciences USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Bilal Ahmed, College of Humanities and Sciences

• Seminar Topic: Positives and Negative of ChatGPT in Teaching, Learning, and Research.

• Importance of the topic :

▪ An Australian Scientist described GPT as one of the most interesting and important artificial systems (AI)systems ever produced.

▪ This system uses deep learning to produce human-like text and is trained, using generative pre-training, to predict what is the next token is based on previous tokens.

▪ OpenAI have introduced ChatGPT, which is trained to interact in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.

▪ Dr. Bilal Ahmed, College of Humanities and Sciences,shall present the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) potentials and shortcomings in teaching, learning, and research for USTF’s faculty and teaching assistants.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

November 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:00 - 08:45 am

17 November 2023

• Goal (3): Recruiting qualified diverse students, enriching their experiences, and serving their various needs in a student-centered environment. Objective 3.1 Attract a blend of local, regional, and international students.

• Ways and means of increasing students’ enrollment.

Dr. Faisal Almatalka f.almatalka@ustf.ac.ae

College of Humanities and Sciences USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Faisal Almatalka, College of Humanities and Sciences

• Seminar Topic: Ways and means of increasing students’ enrollment.

• Importance of the topic :

▪ Declining students’ enrollment is a serious problem facing many HEIs in the UAE, and USTF is no exception. Unconventional promotion methods, use of student recruitment agencies, improve student services are some examples for increasing student enrollment in the University.

▪ Last semester Dr. Khalid Khogali, Coordinator of Public Relations and Advertising, and Mr. Eid Mohamed, Responsible for Digital marketing will present their views about:

o Setting up a professional marketing team to increase the intake and diversity of students.

o Developing strong outreach and recruitment programs for high school students.

o Providing funding for the provision of scholarships to talented and promising students.

▪ Based on this and the accumulated experience during the past years, USTF’s Promotion Committee has realized that promotion activities must not be a seasonal activity. Rather, promotion of USTF and the quality programs it offers must be a continuous process based on well-defined annual activities targeting high school students in Fujairah and the UAE at Large.

▪ Attracting Omani students must be one of USTF’s priorities and continuing USTF’s listing efforts in more Arab and Foreign countries must continue.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

November 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:45 - 09:30 am

17 November 2023

• Goal (3): Recruiting qualified diverse students, enriching their experiences, and serving their various needs in a student-centered environment. Objective 3.5 Maintain and further develop leading role of students in voluntary community service activities.

• Goal (4) Building reciprocal relationships and long-lasting ties with external communities.

• Objective 4.1 Develop and implement strategies for increased collaboration with industry in academic as well as co-curricular activities.

• Social Safeguarding

Dr. Ramadan Ismail r.ismail@ustf.ac.ae

College of Humanities and Sciences USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Ramadan Ismail, College of Humanities and Sciences

• Seminar Topic: Social Safeguarding

• Importance of the topic :

▪ Social safeguarding in the University is a set of measures and policies aiming at supporting and enhancing the social well-being of students and faculty members in the university environment.

▪ Social safeguarding includes a range of services and initiatives aiming at achieving social justice and promoting an educational environment suitable for all members of the university community.

▪ Social protection is an essential part of the social welfare system, as universities seek to provide:

▪ Services to improve the students' well-being.

▪ Enhance personal and professional development for students, encouraging their social and cultural integration, and participation in cultural and social activities, as well as promoting understanding and communication among students from various cultures and backgrounds.

▪ Encompasses a range of key concepts aimed at protecting students in the university such as: university bullying, nondiscrimination, creativity among university students, neglect, and domestic violence


Faculty and Teaching Staff



Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

November 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:00 - 08:45 am

24 November 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.5: Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standards.

• Validity and Moderation of Exams

Dr. Shimaa Basha s.basha@ustf.ac.ae

College of Humanities and Sciences USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Shimaa Basha, College of Humanities and Sciences

• Seminar Topic: Validity and Moderation of Exams

• Importance of the topic :

▪ Exam Validity: refers to what characteristics the test measures and how well the test measures those characteristics. Do the test measures what it is supposed to measure?

▪ Exam Moderation: is a process of ensuring that marks or grades are properly judged. Are the test marks or grades fair and consistent?

▪ The presentation is a complement to the seminar presented by Prof. Tamer Abdelbari, Dean of Dentistry, last Spring Semester 2022-2023, on "How to validate and moderate an exam?

▪ Dr. Shimaa Basha, Coordinator of the BA in Psychology Program, will explain in detail, with specific example, the seps of construction of a balanced question paper.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

November 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:45 - 09:30 am

24 November 2023

• Goal (5): Achieving operational excellence in university services. Objective 5.2 Promote sustainable solutions and effective management of USTF resources in all areas.

• Role of USTF Faculty in promoting health and safety on-campus

Prof. Asmaa Harhash a.harhash@ustf.ac.ae

College of Dentistry USTF


• Presenter: Prof. Asmaa Harhash, College of Dentistry

• Seminar Topic: Role of USTF Faculty in promoting health and safety on-campus

• Importance of the topic :

▪ As the Chair of USTF’s Health and Safety Committee (HSC), Prof. Asmaa Harhash, College of Dentistry, would like to take the opportunity of FDP platform to hold an awareness session for USTF’s faculty, outlining their vital role in promoting health and safety practices on-campus.

▪ The HSC oversees university compliance with the health and safety policies and procedures. The HSC was set up in accordance with university guidelines to maintain appropriate standards of safety throughout the University. The HSC takes direction from and reports to the Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs (VCAFA). The HSC "Terms of Reference" includes, but not limited to:

▪ Monitoring the effectiveness of Health, Safety and Welfare arrangements in the University and making recommendations to the VCAFA and to other Committees as appropriate.

▪ Acting promptly in response to reports from Colleges, Departments, units, and Health and Safety Officer (HSO).

▪ Reviewing health and safety processes and procedures, including appropriate risk management measures, ensuring their compliance with relevant university policies and procedures.

▪ Monitoring the adequacy of health and safety training across the colleges, departments, and units.

▪ Carrying out communications regarding health and safety within and outside the University.

▪ Studying reports of external authorizing bodies and acting as appropriate.

▪ Setting up and monitoring working parties as appropriate to address specific issues.

▪ Reviewing and updating the university Health and Safety manual.


Faculty and Teaching Staff



Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

December 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:00 - 08:45 am

08 December 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.5 Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standard benchmarking.

• Assessment and Evaluation of Authentic Learning

Dr. Abdullah Elameen a.elamin@ustf.ac.ae

College of Business Administration USTF


• Presenter: Dr. Abdullah Elameen, College of Business Administration

• Seminar Topic: Assessment and Evaluation of Authentic Learning

• Importance of the topic :

▪ Authentic assessment is a process of measuring and judging how well students have learned by asking them to perform tasks that are similar to what they might do in the real world. Authentic learning assessments are designed to assess students' higherorder thinking skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Authentic learning assessments can be challenging to design and implement, but they can be very effective in measuring student learning. When designing an authentic learning assessment, it is important to consider the following factors:

▪ Alignment with learning objectives: The assessment should be aligned with the learning objectives of the course or unit.

▪ Authenticity: The assessment should be as authentic as possible, meaning that it should be similar to tasks that students might do in the real world.

▪ Fairness and equity: The assessment should be fair and equitable for all students, regardless of their background or abilities.

▪ Feasibility: The assessment should be feasible to implement in terms of time, resources, and staffing.

▪ Authentic learning assessments can be a valuable tool for measuring student learning and improving teaching practice. By designing and implementing effective authentic learning assessments, educators can help students to develop the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in school and in life.


Faculty and Teaching Staff



Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2023-2024

December 2023


USTF Goal and Objective



08:45 - 09:30 am

08 December 2023

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.5 Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standard

• Overall University Assessment

Ms. Einas Awad a.harhash@ustf.ac.ae

Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness (OIPE) USTF


• Presenter: Ms. Einas Awad, Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness

• Seminar Topic: Overall University Assessment

• Importance of the topic :

• USTF has succeeded in promoting the culture of assessment all over the University during the last two academic years, which was reflected in the overall performance of both academic and non-academic units and has been appreciated by the MoE assessors and ERTs.

• One of the key players behind this development is Ms. Einas Awad, Supervisor of the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness (OIPE). Ms. Einas is keen on developing herself and the OIPE through continuous development and participation in national, reginal, and international courses, seminars, and workshops on quality assurance.


Faculty and Teaching Staff