• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Creating the Future with Innovative Minds

Monday, Feb 28, 2022

Creating the Future with Innovative Minds

From digital technologies to proactive Governmental service delivery. Fujairah Hospital holds a virtual innovation exhibition to celebrate youth innovators and health care providers, and embraces inspiring minds who participate in refining society's knowledge towards sustainability and digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.
Students of the College of Pharmacy Sarah Alyammah , Shahad Maysarah and  Alya Abdul Rahim, participated in the Fujairah hospital event under supervision of Dr. Srinivasan Ramamurthy. The Topic of the poster was (3D Printing of Pharmaceuticals: A new Reality in Drug Development). The main goal was to highlight the significance of 3D   printing medications, 3D printing methods , and the challenges associated with 3DP implementation.
Prof. Sumia Sir ElKhatim - Acting Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences – expressed her appreciation for the efforts made by the college students and professors to represent the college and the university in the best way and ways to develop the students' minds that are inspired to participate in creating the future.


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