• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Dr. Nabeel Kalluvalappil Empowers Dental Interns with Invaluable Seminar on "Commonly Used Drugs in Dental Clinics"

Thursday, Sep 21, 2023

Dr. Nabeel Kalluvalappil, a distinguished faculty member of the College of Dentistry, has delivered a transformative seminar for dental interns, shedding light on the critical topic of "Commonly Used Drugs in Dental Clinics."

The seminar, which took place at [University Name] on [Date], was designed with a primary objective: to enrich the knowledge base of the incoming batch of dental interns. Dr. Kalluvalappil's comprehensive lecture delved into the intricate world of pharmacology, emphasizing the pharmacological actions, uses, and potential side effects of drugs commonly encountered in dental practice, both in routine treatments and emergency scenarios.

In the constantly evolving field of dentistry, staying updated on the latest developments in pharmacology is paramount. Dr. Kalluvalappil's seminar provided dental interns with an invaluable opportunity to enhance their understanding of the pharmacological aspects of dental care, enabling them to make informed decisions for their patient's well-being.

With his extensive expertise and dedication to education, Dr. Kalluvalappil created an engaging and interactive learning environment that resonated with the attendees. The seminar was met with enthusiasm and appreciation from the dental interns, who expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to learn from a respected authority in the field.

Dr. [First Name, Last Name], Dean of the College of Dentistry, commented on the seminar, saying, "Dr. Kalluvalappil's commitment to advancing dental education is truly commendable. His seminar has equipped our interns with essential knowledge and skills that will undoubtedly contribute to their success as future dental professionals."

This seminar stands as a testament to [University Name]'s unwavering dedication to fostering excellence in dental education and ensuring that its students receive the highest quality training.


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