• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0


Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022


As per USTF's keenness to maintain the safety of its community members, the Office of Events hosted a visit of SALAMTAK Bus to USTF on Wednesday 16th of March 2022 for two hours.

The event was attended by various USTF Community members, especially service employees and frontline employees, as multiple 15-membered groups for each session.

SALAMTAK bus is an initiative of Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority that aims to spread the culture of a safer environment empowered by well-educated and trained members who can act responsibly

and professionally during the incidences. It is worth mentioning that such programs, in addition to other similar programs, are conducted regularly at USTF each semester as a preventive awareness and to upscale USTF community members to be ready to act during any emergency.



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