• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

The College of Business-at USTF organizes a Webinar on international management and cross-cultural business skills.

Wednesday, Dec 09, 2020

The College of Business-at USTF organizes a Webinar on international management and cross-cultural business skills.

The College of Business Administration at the University of Science and Technology of Fujairah organized a Webinar on the topic of international management and cross-cultural business skills presented by Dr Alberto Ibanez, the college faculty member.

At the beginning of the Webinar, Dr Ahmed Zain Elabdin, Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs, conveyed to the attendees the greetings of the University Chancellor, Prof. Ali Abu Al-Nour and his interest in such Webinar. The Webinar gives a lot of benefits and service to society, one of the goals and values of the University of Science and Technology of Fujairah.

Dr Ahmed Zain Elabdin added that the university’s role and mission towards the society is that it is a multicultural university that offers a range of academic programs that meet the needs of students, graduates, the labor market and society.

As part of its social responsibility, it offers this Webinar to meet the needs and welfare of the community.

Then Dr Alberto Ibanez, the College faculty member, gave the main presentation in the Webinar, in which he explained that the aim of it is to develop administrative awareness about how to manage the workforce with its various diverse cultures and how to support the synergies and cooperation within the institution in such a way that it has a positive impact to influence Enterprise performance effectively.

The Webinar discussed the factors of achieving happiness within business organizations, as they are among the most influential factors in achieving outstanding results and contributing to increasing institutional satisfaction.

Dr. Alberto explained during the session that some scientific studies indicated that institutions that have managers and leaders of diverse cultures achieve higher returns than those without this diversity.

He also explained that there are six strategies for persuasion that can be summarized in reciprocity, scarcity, authority, consistency, liking, and consensus.

Dr Abdullah Elamin, the coordinator of international accreditation and programs at the college, provided the comment and led the discussion, where he gave a valuable contribution on the importance of training how to deal people who came from different cultures background in the organization to address the dilemma of misunderstanding and benefiting from diversity within an organization.

The Webinar was attended by more than 130 participants from various emirates of the UAE and various sectors.


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