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the symposium on protecting the right to privacy

Monday, Mar 22, 2021

the symposium on protecting the right to privacy


The College of Law at the University of Science and Technology in Fujairah held a symposium on the subject of protecting the right to privacy on Monday 3/25/2021, at 6:30 pm remotely via Microsoft Teams technology, as part of its plans to spread legal awareness on issues of concern Among community members. Prof. Dr. Khalaf Muhammad and Dr. Amin Dahmash, a member of the faculty, spoke about it. The event was moderated by the Honorable Dr. Inas Al-Khalidi, and it was attended by students studying at the college, graduates from it, and many interested in the legal field.

Prof. Dr. Khalaf Muhammad presented the protection of the right to privacy in Islamic law, and explained the Sharia rules that guaranteed protection for the privacy of individuals in the Holy Qur’an, in the Prophet’s Sunnah and in the jurisprudence of the jurists. He referred to the hadith of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said that “It is good for a person to leave Islam for something that does not mean it.” It is not permissible to transmit news that distorts the reputation of others, or breaches their secrets, or intrudes upon them by snooping, espionage, or infringing on the sanctities of their homes.

Dr. Amin Dahmash then spoke about the legal protection of the right to privacy, and referred to global and regional international conventions that affirmed that “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference in his private life, family affairs, housing, or correspondence, nor to campaigns affecting his honor and reputation, and every person has the right to be subjected to arbitrary interference in his private life, family affairs, housing, or correspondence. The law protects him from such interference or attacks. " He explained that the Emirati legislator emphasized the importance of the right to privacy and the need to protect it, and enshrined this protection in the constitution within the public rights and freedoms established for citizens, as well as many legal texts that provide civil and criminal protection for the right to privacy from infringement by traditional means such as publishing in newspapers and magazines. And various media outlets; or by means of modern technology and communication technology, by criminalizing the violation of privacy and facing it with deterrent penalties. During the symposium, many interventions were presented by the attendees and many questions were discussed and answered, and many of the attendees preferred this step that deepens the legal culture and strengthens Communication between the college and its graduate students and those working in legal fields in government and private departments.

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