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UNESCO chair for women in Science and Technology had honored Prof. Sumia Sir El khatim Mohamed, Dean College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at University of Science and Technology of Fujairah,

Monday, Mar 09, 2020


UNESCO chair for women in Science and Technology had honored Prof. Sumia Sir El khatim Mohamed, Dean College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at University of Science and Technology of Fujairah, during the chair celebrations of the International Women’s Day which took place on Tuesday February 11, 2020.

Prof. Sumia was nominated earlier by Her Excellence Prof. Fadwa Abdulrahman Ali Taha, Vice Chancellor of the University of Khartoum, along with 9 other female full professors from the University of Khartoum, to be honored for their unlimited giving to serve the science and the community.

The celebration was held in collaboration with the UNESCO office in Khartoum, World Association of Sustainable Development, Sudanese National Committee for Education, Science and culture, Knowledge Transfer Program, Secretariat of Sudanese Working Abroad. Under the auspice of Her Excellence Professor Intisar Elzein Segayroon, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Sudan.

It is worth mentioning that the UNESCO chair for women in Science and Technology was established in 2003 at the University of Sciences and Technology (Sudan). It serves the purpose of promoting an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation activities in the field of Women, Science and technology. Also It serves as a means of facilitating collaboration between high-level, internationally recognized researchers and teaching staff of the University and other institutions in the Arab States and Europe. The chair also aims to improve the level of participation and leadership of women in science, technology and innovation, and supporting structural changes in scientific organizations to achieve this aim. In addition to that, it promotes the advancement in integrating creative women in research, technology and innovation, and in higher education curricula in advanced and applied areas.


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