• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

USTF Media Forum

Tuesday, Mar 22, 2022


USTF Media Forum

The 1st Media Forum at the University of Science & Technology of Fujairah (USTF) was inaugurated yesterday March 22 with an online event involving internal and external participants, including USTF faculty and students.

The forum was organized by the Department of Mass Communication, College of Humanities and Sciences at USTF under the motto “The Role of the Mass Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” with special focus on the UAE experience and model.

 After the opening address by Prof. Zein Rizq, USTF Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the main presentations followed against the theoretical background provided by Dr. Magda Elobeid, USTF faculty member and coordinator of the media forum. In her contribution, she traced the main stages of the evolvement of the media from its early beginnings in classical times to its current domination and influence related to globalization and the cultural shaping of the world as a whole. 

The other main rostrum speakers were Dr. Humaid Alzaabi, a member of the Consultative Council of Sharjah and editor at Dubai Media Corporation, Mr Faisal Barut, central editing manager at WAM, and Mr Ahmed Hassan Alyammahi, a UAE media personality. The contributors addressed various aspects of the media’s social responsibility in dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic, and they highlighted and praised the leading and remarkable role of the UAE media in raising awareness and providing reliable and balanced information about the pandemic throughout the period of its spread.  The formal presentations were concluded by Ms. Nada Zuhair, the secretary-general of the Emirates Nutrition Association, who focused on the importance of combating the pandemic

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