• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Office of Alumni, Career Counselling and Events

About us


  • Office of Alumni, Career Counseling, and Events (ACCE) aims to establish and maintain efficient bidirectional communication portal between the University of Science and Technology of Fujairah (USTF) and its alumni and the various communities domestically and among the globe.


  • ACCE provides USTF Alumni proactively with the supportive and guidance services in different disciplines to empower their competences and competitiveness. The office responds additionally to alumni affairs related requests and process it institutionally.
  • ACCE utilizes the field-acquired occupational skills and knowledges gained by entrepreneurs and employed Alumni to contribute to achieve the university's vision.
  • ACCE supports the efforts of different USTF departments to conduct a fruitful scientific or social event either in-campus or off-campus.

Core Values

  • Proactive – Foresighting of the future demands of the alumni and USTF community.
  • Connective – Bidirectional channeling between USTF, its alumni and the community.
  • Innovative – Service creation and execution with realistic ambition.
  • Continuous – Tireless serving USTF alumni and the community with passion.
  • Advocative – Accountable supporting for Alumni development.
  • Collaborative – Institutional bonds with tolerance and flexibility.
  • Integrative – workflow with the university's sectors to succeed USTF mission toward its vision.


  • Goal 1: Promoting the excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.

  • Goal 2: Performing high-quality, applicable and impactful research and intellectual contribution.

  • Goal 3: Recruiting qualified diverse students, enriching their experiences and serving their various needs in a student-centered environment.

  • Goal 4: Building reciprocal relationships and long-lasting ties with external communities.

  • Goal 5: Achieving operational excellence in University services.


Staff Members

Career Counseling

Helping students get ready for work life via workshops, internships and job placement programs.
  • Support in selecting majors: we assist students when needed in choosing the majors that best suit their personality, strengths, and career choice.
  • Individual Counseling: we conduct one-on-one counseling sessions to help students build and implement their own career plans and develop a greater sense of self-awareness in terms of career development.
  • Group Counseling Sessions: we offer group sessions designed to provide students with support in issues related to career exploration, career development, and other career related issues.
  • Career Workshops: throughout the academic year, we offer a wide range of interactive workshops to equip students with the employability skills needed to integrate the job market. Workshops include:
               - Effective Resume Writing
               - Interview Tips and Advice
               - Job Search Techniques & Strategies
               - Work Ethics
               - Time Management
               - Understanding the Job Market
  • To support newly registered students in choosing their majors.
  • To counsel students and graduates individually or in group sessions.
  • To administer interactive workshops.
  • To direct students to job vacancies and internship opportunities.
  • To liaise with employers.
  • To provide career counseling services to the students and fresh graduates. 




Office of Alumni, Career Counseling, and Events (ACCE) aims to establish and maintain efficient bidirectional communication portal between the University of Science and Technology of Fujairah (USTF) and its alumni and the various communities domestically and among the globe.


ACCE provides USTF Alumni proactively with the supportive and guidance services in different disciplines to empower their competences and competitiveness. The office responds additionally to alumni affairs related requests and process it institutionally.

ACCE utilizes the field-acquired occupational skills and knowledges gained by entrepreneurs and employed Alumni to contribute to achieve the university's vision.

ACCE supports the efforts of different USTF departments to conduct a fruitful scientific or social event either in-campus or off-campus.

Core Values

  • Proactive – Foresighting of the future demands of the alumni and USTF community.
  • Connective – Bidirectional channeling between USTF, its alumni and the community.
  • Innovative – Service creation and execution with realistic ambition.
  • Continuous – Tireless serving USTF alumni and the community with passion.
  • Advocative – Accountable supporting for Alumni development.
  • Collaborative – Institutional bonds with tolerance and flexibility.
  • Integrative – workflow with university's sectors to succeed USTF mission toward its vision.

Event Review

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Contact us

Person In-charge

Mr. Murhaf Amer Khazndar

Email: m.khazndar@ustf.ac.ae

Phone EXT