• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Faculty Development Plan Activities - Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

September 2022


USTF Goal and Objective Topic Lecturer

9:00 - 10:00 am

30 September 2022

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.2: Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

Goal (5): Achieving operational excellence in university services. Objective 5.1: Provide infrastructure and technologies that effectively contribute to the mission of USTF.

Artificial Intelligence implementation in teaching and learning Dr. Amir Abdul Majid a.abdulmajid@ustf.ac.ae


• Artificial intelligence is one the main objectives of the UAE vision 2071. Along this line and in contribution of USTF to this vision, the University has introduced a university elective course in Artificial Intelligence (AI). In addition, the AI has wide applications in improvement of teaching, health science, and engineering education and practices.

• In this seminar, Dr. Amir is going to unlimited capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in advancement of educational methodologies and improvement of course delivery. The seminar will only focus of the wide application of AI in the educational field.


Faculty and Teaching Staff

Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

October 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



9:00 - 10:00 am

07 October 2022

• Goal4: Building reciprocal relationships and longlasting ties with external communities. Objective 4.1 Develop and implement strategies for increased collaboration with industry in academic as well as co-curricular activities. Objective 4.2 Join forces with the public and private sectors in Fujairah to strengthen the positioning of USTF as a destination for learning. The Role of College Advisory Boards in Curricula Development and Community Engagement Initiatives Prof. Tamer Abdelbari Hassan t.hassan@ustf.ac.ae


• The college advisory boards have vital roles to play as one of the main stakeholders in the University. The board is formed of educational leaders, businessmen and women, industry professional, and public figures in Fujairah Emirate. Given the capabilities of the board members, USTF must take this advantage in developing current and futures academic programs in the University.

• The advisory board members have a major role to play in strengthening the relationship between USTF and Fujairah society and promote for USTF as the main teaching and learning destination in the eastern region of the UAE.

• As the developer of the College Advisory Board Policy, Prof. Tamer Hassan, Dean of Dentistry, will enlighten USTF community around the role of the College Advisory Boards at USTF.


Faculty and Teaching Staff

Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

October 2022 


USTF Goal and Objective Topic Lecturer

9:00 - 10:00 am

14 October 2022


• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.2 Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice. Objective 1.4 Recruit, develop, empower, and retain excellent faculty. CAA Procedural Manual for Online and Blended Learning September 2022

Dr. Haytham Elmessiry h.elmessiry@ustf.ac.ae


• USTF encourages the use of the emerging educational technology to support innovative teaching and learning. Based on that and as the CAA has issued a procedural manual for online and blended learning on September 2022, USTF must adopt these methodologies in teaching certain courses.

• As the chairman of the distance learning development committee, Dr. Haytham Elmessiry, coordinator of the IT programs at USTF, shall speak on the CAA Procedural Manual for Online and Blended Learning September 2022.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

October 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



8:00 - 9:00 am 

21 October 2022

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.5 Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to prespecified standards. The Use of Turnitin Package for Detection of Similarity Percentage in Project, Homework, and Assignments

Mr. Amir Al Qatmih a.alqatmih@ustf.ac.ae

Dr. Srinivasan Ramamurthy s.ramamurthy@ustf.ac.ae


• USTF ensures high academic standards and good quality of university graduates. The University also assures its full compliance with the CAA Standards, and commitment to maintaining the integrity and high quality of the CAA-accredited academic programs offered by the University.

• Turnitin is a plagiarism checking tool that generates a Similarity Reports which provide a summary of matching or highly similar text found in the submitted document. This user manual provides the guidance to create Turnitin assignment in MOODLE, generate similarity report and use it to make final judgment regarding plagiarism

• As an E-Learning in-Charge, Mr. Amir Al Qatmih will introduce USTF faculty and teaching assistants to the MOODLE Learning Management System, with a special emphasis on the use of Turnitin Package for obtaining Similarity Reports in theses, graduation projects, homework, and assignments submitted by USTF students. 


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023


October 2022

9:00 - 10:30 am

21 October 2022

• Achieving Goal (3): Recruiting qualified diverse students, enriching their experiences, and serving their various needs in a student-centered environment. Objective 3.2 Provide a university experience centered on student development and success. Objective 3.3 Enhance the diversity of co-curricular activities and participation of students in a full and rich student life program.

Highlights and Services of USTF’s Psychological Counseling and Happiness Center

Dr. Shimaa Basha 




• The center for psychological counseling and happiness at USTF intends to represent a student confidentiality and adaptation refuge toward adaptation and adjustment with the university life and environment. The center intends to help student to improve their academic performance, social life, personal issues, as well as coping with the study pressure.

• Dr. Shimaa Basha, Head of the Psychology Department, along with our colleague Prof. Sayed Elwakeel, faculty member in the Psychology Department, have long experience in dealing with university students and helping them to achieve success.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

November 2022





09:00 - 10:00 am

04 November 2022

Goal 3: Recruiting qualified diverse students, enriching their experiences, and serving their various needs in a student-centered environment. Objective 3.3 Enhance the diversity of cocurricular activities and participation of students in a full and rich student life program. The Roles and Responsibilities of USTF Student councils in Enriching Student Life on campus

Dr. Faisal Almatalka f.almatalka@ustf.ac.ae


• Through the USTF student councils for male and female students, the University aims to engage students in organizing and participating in events and activities and in activating the goals and objectives of USTF’s student associations and clubs.

• On of the main objectives of student councils is to hold regular meetings between students, faculty, and staff to plan activities that serve the students’ best interest.

• As a close person to USTF students and as an excellent communicator, Dr. Faisal Almatalka will share with us his ideas toward enriching the student life through USTF student council.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

November 2022


USTF Goal and Objective Topic Lecturer

09:00 - 10:00 am

11 November 2022

• Goal (2): Performing high quality, applicable and impactful research, and intellectual contribution. Objective 3.2: Align research activities with the UAE strategic objectives and address global problems and regional needs. Applications of the Statistical Package (MATLAB) in research studies

Dr. Bilal Ahmed b.ahmed@ustf.ac.ae


• The Statistical Package (MATLAB) is widely applied in research studies of both scientific and humanitarian fields. This package is widely used by USTF faculty in health sciences, engineering, management, sociology, psychology, and public relations.

• Dr. Bilal Ahmed, an assistant lecturer in mathematics, is an excellent user of the MATLAB package and will offer a workshop on the wide application of this package in various research areas.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

November 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



09:00 - 09:30 am

18 November 2022

Goal (2): Performing high quality, applicable and impactful research, and intellectual contribution. Objective 3.2: Align research activities with the UAE strategic objectives and address global problems and regional needs. Applications of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) in research studies

Dr. Ahmed Alradaideh a.alradaideh@ustf.ac.ae



• The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) is widely applied in research studies of both scientific and humanitarian fields. This package is widely used by USTF faculty in health sciences, engineering, management, sociology, psychology, and public relations.

• Dr. Ahmed Alradaideh, as a PhD holder in Statistics, is an excellent user of the SPSS package and will offer us a workshop on the wide application of this package in various research areas.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

November 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



09:30 - 10:00 am

18 November 2022

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.5 Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standard Assessment from Course Files to Program Effectiveness


Ms. Einas Awad e.awad@ustf.ac.ae 


• USTF has succeeded in promoting the culture of assessment all over the University during the last two academic years, which was reflected in the overall performance of both academic and non-academic units and has been appreciated by the MoE assessors and ERTs.

• One of the key players behind this development is Ms. Einas Awad, Supervisor of the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness (OIPE). Ms. Einas is keen on developing herself and the OIPE through continuous development and participation in national, reginal, and international course, seminars, and workshops on quality assurance.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

November 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



9:00 - 09:30 am

25 November 2022

• Goal 4: Building reciprocal relationships and long-lasting ties with external communities. Objective 2.2 Encourage and support high quality research through internal and external research grants. Mechanisms for implementation of MOUs and agreements signed between USTF and other institutions

Dr. Issa Rabadi i.rabadi@ustf.ac.ae 


• USTF is linked with MoUs and agreements on the national, regional, and international institutions in academic, research, faculty, and student exchange, in addition to community-oriented joint activities. The actual implementation of such cooperation MOUs and agreement is highly variable.

• Based on his experience in community engagement, as most of the College of Law students are UAE nationals, Dr. Issa Rabadi, Dean of Law, will share with use the mechanisms for efficient implementation of the MOUs and agreements signed between USTF and national, regional, and international institutions.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

November 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



09:30 - 10:00 am

25 November 2022

• Goal 3: Recruiting qualified diverse students, enriching their experiences, and serving their various needs in a student-centered environment. Objective 3.2 Provide a university experience centered on student development and success. Objective 3.3 Enhance the diversity of co-curricular activities and participation of students in a full and rich student life program. Students advising is not only an academic Process but a holistic approach leading them to excel in study and life

Dr. Mohammed Salahat m.salahat@ustf.ac.ae



• Academic advisor is the most important person in the student lives after his/her parents. They guide their students towards achieving excellent academic standing, building their personalities, provide students with academic advice, life experience, and career counseling.

• USTF colleges assign students’ academic advisors once they join the University. The academic advisors are well-trained faculty members, who are fully ware with the study plans of the academic program students are enrolled in. They have the experience to safeguard the students interests to the best of their abilities to make student succeed in their study and life.

• Dr. Salahat believes in the holistic approach of students’ advising process and would like to share us his thoughts in this regard.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

December 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



09:00 - 9:30: am

09 December 2022

• Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning. Objective 1.5: Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standards. Exam Validity and Exam Moderation - Toward more efficient and precise students` assessment.

Prof. Tamer Hassan t.hassan@ustf.ac.ae



• Exam validity versus exam moderation

• CAA standard in relation to student examination


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

December 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



2:00 - 3:00 pm

09 December 2022

• Goal 4: Building reciprocal relationships and longlasting ties with external communities. Objective 4.2: Join forces with the public and private sectors in Fujairah to strengthen the positioning of USTF as a destination for learning. Enhancing the roles of the TCEC at USTF in marketing USTF experts and trainers in Fujairah and UAE

Dr. Tarek Shahin t.shahin@ustf.ac.ae



• USTF training and continuing education center (TCEC) is not just a student training supervision facility that is supervising students’ training in various public and private institutions in Fujairah Emirate and beyond. But, the purpose behind establishment of the TCEC at USTF is far beyond this limited scope.

• The training and continuing education center at USTF is meant to be a center of excellence capable of marketing the unique, rich, and diverse expertise that USTF faculty and employee have in various health, engineering, management, public relations, humanities, and legal area, which can benefit Fujairah governmental and private institutions as well.

• The TCEC at USTF is MoE authorized center to offer EmSAT exams in different subject by the MoE and hosts the American Heart Association (AHA) life-saving training center. The center can also offer workshops and training courses to Fujairah community in different fields of expertise.

• In this seminar Dr. Tarek Shahin, director of the TECE will present his vision regarding how to enhance the role of the Center in marketing USTF experts and trainers in Fujairah, UAE, and the region.


Faculty and Teaching Staff


Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Fall Semester - Academic Year 2022-2023

December 2022


USTF Goal and Objective



03:00 - 04:00 am

16 November 2022

• Goal 1: Achieving Operational Excellence in University Services. Objective 5.3 Promote sustainable solutions and effective management of USTF resources in all areas. Objective 5.4 Enhance the quality of university services. Promoting Innovation and Sustainability in USTF Practices

Dr. Ahmed Zain Elabdin a.zainelabdin@ustf.ac.ae 


• Based on his fine experience in management, Dr. Ahmed Zain Elabdin, VCAFA and Dean of College of Business Administration, will give a seminar on how to make environmental sustainability a guiding principle in the management of the university facilities and resources.

• The linkage between innovation and sustainability is an open invitation window to USTF faculty, staff, and students to think of innovative solution to the challenges facing development and improvement of on-campus services to achieve healthy, safe, and secure university environment.


Faculty and Teaching Staff