• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Training & Continuing Education Center

About us


Training and Continuing Education Centre (TCEC) is an academic unit within the University of Science and Technology of Fujairah (USTF) organizational structure that provides customizable recognized training and continuing educational courses for individuals and corporates in the emirates of Fujairah, the entire Emirates, and the globe. TCEC is approved by well-known global training and testing organizations, such as the American Heart Association for BLS and HS courses.


Impactfully fulfill individuals' and corporates' developmental demands through training and continuing education.


Providing customized recognized training and continuing education courses to increment the scientific and technical capabilities of our clients by utilizing USTF resources and expertise in collaboration with reputable national and international institutions.


  1. Provide standard and customized training and continuing education course.
  2. Certify the provided courses with the appropriate national and international recognition.
  3. Serve the community needs with the awareness training course.
  4. Support university's student field academic training.
  5. Support intern trainees appropriately.

For more information and to request customizable courses:

Fill out the following e-form (Click here) or scan the attached QR code

Manager Message

Message from the Manager, TCEC
Welcome to the Training and Continuing Education Center (TCEC) at the University of Science and Technology of Fujairah (USTF). Evolving from its predecessor, the Training Center, the TCEC came into existence in 2020 with a wider scope and a more inclusive role. Its reformulated mission was largely in response to the Ministry of Education’s vision of open access to technical training and continuous, lifelong education.

Through the TCEC’s operations, the University of Science and Technology of Fujairah seeks to impact local, national, and regional development by training, retraining, and qualifying individuals and groups whose acquired skills and knowledge will meet the special needs of the community and labor market. As a university of good standing, USTF is well placed to deliver this service on account of the experience and expertise of its distinguished faculty, who are not only excellent teachers and researchers but also capable trainers.

According to its mission, the TCEC caters to a whole range of needs from intensive training to fulfill university entry requirements, through short technical and vocational courses, to higher diplomas. To do all of this and more, the TCEC is seeking the licensure of the Ministry of Education and the National Qualifications Authority (NQA), by whose guidelines and rules the TCEC will always abide.

From the foregoing, you can rest assured that by coming to the TCEC at the University of Science and Technology of Fujairah for your training and lifelong education needs you have come to the right place.

Course Enquiry

Staff Members

Tarek Diaaeldin Shahin

Tarek Diaaeldin Shahin


Email: t.shahin@ustf.ac.ae
Phone: 97192023525

Murhaf Khazndar

Murhaf Khazndar


Email: m.khazndar@ustf.ac.ae
Phone: 97192023445

Contact us

Contact information:

Office and WhatsApp: +97192023446

E-mail: tcec@ustf.ac.ae