• USTF Announcement: BETA VERSION 2.0

Faculty Development Plan Activities - Summer Semester 2019-2020


Planned Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Summer Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

May 2020 



USTF Goal and Objective



23-05 May 2020

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.

Objective 1.2: Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

Guidelines for the applications Microsoft Teams online system for USTF Faculty Members and Administrative Staff (in Arabic and English).

Mr. Amir Katmeh



USTF has designed a detailed plan to develop faculty members and administrative staff at USTF and train them on the use smart learning tools, modern assessment methods, virtual laboratories, distance training and simulation systems.

USTF already holds 365 Microsoft office license which includes Ms Teams as well as other integrated features we can later use. USTF has planned smoothly transition to MS Teams without any effect on education during summer term. Mr. Amir, eLearning in-charge at USTF, has already prepared a recording clip showing tour on Ms. Teams applications. 


USTF Faculty Members and Administrative Staff.


 Planned Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Summer Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

May 2020


USTF Goal and Objective



27 May 2020

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.

Objective 1.2: Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

Guidelines for Integrating the Microsoft Teams online system into the Moodle LMS for online instruction and course delivery (in Arabic and English).

Mr. Amir Katmeh


Ms. Minatallah Essam



Moodle is an open source e-learning management system (LMS) The system, which has gained great popularity among educators and academics around the world as a tool to create online dynamic websites for their classes and students. The Moodle platform gives instructors the best tools to manage and encourage Learning. Many educational institutions use the Moodle as a platform to give their curricula entirely on the Internet. Furthermore, Moodle system enables homework submission, design and grading of exams, file upload, import and transport. The system can be easily integrated with several online learning systems.

Webex is a cloud-based platform enabling video and team messaging and file sharing. Webex allows small group online meetings as well as large number videoconferencing. Webex also offers video mesh, a hybrid media service that keeps local users on premises and pushes remote or overflow users to the cloud.


USTF Faculty Members.

 Planned Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Summer Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

May 2020


USTF Goal and Objective



28 May 2020

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.

Objective 1.2: Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

Hands on Microsoft Teams online system for USTF Faculty Members (in Arabic and English).

Mr. Amir Katmeh


Ms. Minatallah Essam



USTF has designed a detailed plan to develop faculty members at USTF and train them on the use smart learning tools, modern assessment methods, virtual laboratories, distance training and simulation systems.

USTF already holds 365 Microsoft office license which includes Ms Teams as well as other integrated features we can later use. USTF has planned smoothly transition to MS Teams without any effect on education during summer term. Mr. Amir, eLearning in-charge at USTF, and Ms.  Minatallah Essam, CEIT, have already prepared a recording clip showing tour on Ms. Teams applications. 


·USTF Faculty Members.

 Planned Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Summer Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

May 2020


USTF Goal and Objective



28May 2020

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.

Objective 1.2: Promote up-to-date teaching methodologies across all disciplines in line with international best practice.

Hands on Microsoft Teams online system for USTF Administrative Staff (in Arabic and English).

Mr. Amir Katmeh


Ms. Minatallah Essam



USTF has designed a detailed plan to develop administrative staff at USTF and train them on the use smart learning tools, modern assessment methods, virtual laboratories, distance training and simulation systems.

USTF already holds 365 Microsoft office license which includes Ms Teams as well as other integrated features we can later use. USTF has planned smoothly transition to MS Teams without any effect on education during summer term. Mr. Amir, eLearning in-charge at USTF, and Ms.  Minatallah Essam, CEIT, have already prepared a recording clip showing tour on Ms. Teams applications. 


USTF Administrative Staff.

 Planned Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Summer Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020

 May 2020





31May 2020

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.


Objective 1.5: Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standard benchmarking.

Video demonstrations (in Arabic and English) for USTF faculty and teaching stall on how to prepare online exams on the Moodle LMS and monitor them through Webex.

Ms. Minatallah Essam



Near the end of March, USTF anticipation of the continuation of distance education during the whole Spring Semester, which necessitated the preparation of various exams using the MOODLE Learning Management System. Video demonstration in Arabic and English languages were prepared by colleagues in the IT Department at the College of engineering and Information Technology.


USTF Faculty Members and Teaching Assistants.

Planned Faculty Development Plan Activities at USTF

Summer Semester - Academic Year 2019-2020


June 2020

01 June 2020

Goal 1: Promoting excellence of education in an inspiring environment of teaching and learning.

Objective 1.5: Undertake regular assessment of teaching and learning activities according to pre-specified standard benchmarking.

Final Online Exams at USTF: Implementation, Invigilation, quality assurance, monitoring and disciplinary rules and regulation

Training on the Use of Lockdown Browser in Final Online Exams

Mr. Amir Katmeh


Ms. Minatallah Essam



Based on USTF Online Exams Policy, the Final Exams Coordination Committee has prepared the timetables for the final exams, according to four time periods to avoid clashes, put the invigilation time tables, trained faculty on the use of Webex and Lockdown Browser in exams monitoring, decided whether the irregularity of webcams are technical errors or an exam violation, provided a daily and collective report in the whole examination process, which turned to be a great success. Despite being the first experience, USTF can claim that the final online examination process has went up to the intended quality in organized manner and quiet environment.

On May 5th, 2020, USTF announced link for the video explaining the guidelines manual for downloading the (Lockdown Browser) application on students’ computer and instructed them to make sure that the application is ready on their computer before the final exams. However, The University linked the use of the Browser with conducting a practice exam before the final exam, as a condition for its use in the online final exam.


USTF Academic and Administrative Staff